Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Head Ringworm - Don't Reduce Your Locks Over It

Ringworm of the scalp is very common medical condition like may seem, about 10% of the population of the United States get it every year did you know? How is the biggest concern might be a surprise is it most people between ringworm can scalp and how to get rid of it can get?

Ringworm of the scalp causes

Called the leather skin fungus is a reason for ringworm of the scalp. This skin is people find even the dirt of the Earth and your pets, sheep, cattle and other livestock.

This fungal skin come directly in contact with infected someone can get.

How to get ringworm of the scalp?

As a shared bath towels and hair brush or comb, Cap or hat, family, clothing and infected hair from you also as simple as can be infected.

It is scalp children aged 4 14, ringworm is the most common cause. Usually is the participation of children. Several children wear hats friends, etc?

What is the symptoms of ringworm of the scalp?

In General, affected parts of your scalp your head and hair loss poorly skin infections severe itchiness and red zone is know. In some cases, larger lymph nodes.

How to treat ringworm of the scalp?

Thankfully, to get rid of this infection is very difficult is not it. However, you must visit the doctor in most cases.

Anti retro viral drugs, buy or you can use selenium sulfide shampoo containing. Is one brand was effective in the treatment of ringworm of the scalp and shoulders, head of intensive care.

If you need to take a trip to the doctor will impose their most viable griseofulvin. This drug regimen every day take 6 weeks.

In most cases of ringworm of the scalp treatment 6-8 can heal in a week.

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